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A Blast From The Past On Instagram

McCarthy and Spader's Nostalgic Reunion

A Blast From the Past on Instagram

Recently, social media users were treated to a nostalgic surprise when Andrew McCarthy and James Spader, icons of the 1980s' "Brat Pack," reunited on Instagram. The reunion sparked a surge of excitement among fans as they shared memories from their beloved films.

A Reunited Duo on "The Blacklist"

The on-screen reunion between the two actors extended to the set of "The Blacklist" as well. In the upcoming Season 10 episode, James Spader's character, Raymond "Red" Reddington, is joined by Andrew McCarthy in a pivotal role as his pilot.

This casting revelation thrilled fans, who had long speculated about the identity of the mysterious pilot. McCarthy's presence on the show not only marks a reunion with his "Pretty in Pink" co-star Spader but also an intriguing twist in the show's ongoing storyline.

Behind-the-Scenes Challenges

The reunion wasn't without its hurdles. McCarthy, who was initially unable to accept the role due to prior commitments, was called back for reshoots. However, this presented a challenge as he had significantly altered his appearance for a stage play he was in.

To address this, the "The Blacklist" team worked with McCarthy to create a storyline that would accommodate his physical changes. The results will undoubtedly add another layer of excitement to the highly anticipated reunion.


Andrew McCarthy and James Spader's reunion on "The Blacklist" is a testament to the enduring power of their on-screen chemistry. Fans eagerly await the upcoming episode, where they'll witness the Brat Pack icons once again gracing their screens with their undeniable charisma and talent.
