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Anita Kucharska Dziedzic Posel

Anita Kucharska-Dziedzic: A Prominent Polish Politician

Background and Early Career

Anita Kucharska-Dziedzic is a Polish politician with a long and distinguished career in public service. She was born in Warsaw, Poland, on March 21, 1971, and holds a degree in political science from the University of Warsaw.

Kucharska-Dziedzic began her political career in the 1990s as a member of the Democratic Left Alliance (SLD). She served as a councilor in Warsaw from 1994 to 2002, and was elected to the Polish parliament in 2001.

Parliamentary Career

In parliament, Kucharska-Dziedzic has served on several committees, including the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on National Defense. She has also held several leadership positions within the SLD, including vice-chair of the party.

Kucharska-Dziedzic is known for her strong stance on social justice issues, and has been a vocal advocate for women's rights, LGBTQ rights, and the rights of immigrants.

Current Role

Kucharska-Dziedzic is currently a member of the Lewica (Left) parliamentary club, which includes the SLD and several other left-wing parties.
